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Want to learn more about our program? Schedule a tour today by calling 775-677-4500! Ready to enroll? View Enrollment Options below.
Enrollment Options
Enrollment for Existing 1st-8th Students for 2024-25
All SNACS existing students must register through the online portal every school year. This can be completed at home. If you do not have access to the internet or are having problems re-registering your student(s), you can make an appointment with the front office staff for assistance. We will begin accepting new enrollment beginning March 1, 2024, on a first-come, first-served basis, with a lottery held at the end of March. Please visit the front office if you need a computer or help with completing the forms. Students enrolling with SNACS for the first time must print and complete the below-mentioned paperwork or come to the front office.
Enrollment for SNACS Kindergarten in the Fall of 2024
Students enrolled in SNACS Preschool are eligible for priority enrollment for kindergarten in 2024 during the month of February. Siblings of current SNACS students are eligible for priority enrollment for kindergarten during the month of February. All applications are date-stamped and enrolled on a first-come-first-serve basis. Students enrolling in kindergarten at SNACS must print and complete the paperwork found below and return it to the front office. If you do not have access to the internet or are having problems re-registering your student(s), you can make an appointment with the front office staff for help.
Enrollment for New Students
We will begin accepting new enrollments beginning February 1, 2024, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students enrolling with SNACS for the first time will need to print and complete the paperwork below or come to Ms. Baumann or Mrs. Snell-Diehl in the front office to ensure your packet is received and date-stamped to be eligible for enrollment.
If you do not have access to the internet or are having problems re-registering your student(s), you can make an appointment with the front office staff for help. Once re-enrollment for current students and eligible preschool students or siblings of current students is complete, we will follow the lottery policy (see below).
Federal Meal Benefits Application
ALL families (existing and new) … PLEASE complete the federal meal benefits application.
All families should complete one application per family. This can be completed at home by clicking the link below. If you do not have access to the internet or are having problems re-registering your student(s), you can make an appointment with the front office staff for help.
Complete the ApplicationLottery Policy for 2024-2025 School Year Enrollment
Parents of children attending SNACS will be asked to re-enroll their children for the following school year in February. Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year will then be determined:
- All re-enrolling students will be enrolled first;
- Siblings of re-enrolling students and currently enrolled preschool students will be enrolled next;
- A lottery will be held to fill all remaining openings. The lottery will comprise the names of all students whose parents/guardians have inquired about the school throughout the year, completed a tour, and turned in a completed application. An enrollment packet must be completed, and all accompanying information/documents must be required. For each grade, we will draw those names from a “hat” until the number of spaces available is filled. Parents of eligible students shall be notified by telephone that their child is eligible for enrollment in the class. The parent will then be given three (3) school or business days, depending on whether the school is in or out of session, to provide any required paperwork to complete the enrollment process. The names of those students who are not chosen will be placed on a waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis as determined on the date and time of completed paperwork received.
School Fees
To pay dues, please click below.